Monday, February 6, 2017

Triptych Self Portraits

Variety of pills: These pills are an assortment of pain killers including tylenol, naproxen, and ibuprofen. The pain killers represent my daily headaches that are now a big part of my life and I have to work around the pain. 
Wet hair: My wet hair represents the chilling pain of my headaches that often stop me cold in my spot. 
Black and white eyes: This represents sanity and the hope for future comfort. 
The naked shoulders: This represents raw exposure to pain.

Old Brownie camera: This camera represents my love for vintage photography and the simplicity of old photos. 
Makeup and nice clothes: This all represents the desired perfection in photographs. 
My hairstyle: The straight and pulled back portion of my hair represents professionalism and cleanness while the single curl in the front represents naturalism and creativity. 
Black and white against color: The black and white background behind a color self represents the past and the current. 

Music notes: This represents the beautiful flow of music and simple yet complicated language that music is. 
Out of focus flute: This represents passion and movement. 
Embouchure: This represents the softness or harshness that music can vary between. 

I have never been into self portraits much before because I had never thought about it as a good option for myself as well as I have always been afraid to be in front of the camera rather than behind it. These individual pictures do tell a story if you read into the picture enough, although there is no set story in these photographs, I have my own ideas and another person has their own and they both can be the story. My standards for this project were low because I had never before ventured into the experience of self portrait photography. I exceeded my standards highly because I do enjoy these photographs very much, some more than others of course, but I believe that I did quite well especially for never having done self portraits in the past. When people look at any of my photographs, I would like them to notice the focusing and what is in focus while what is not. If someone were to look at any of my photographs, they could learn that I often photograph up close and in detail rather than far and broad because I like getting close and personal while what is being photographed. One thing I would like to improve on is leading lines and how I could use those in future photographs to draw attention to a particular spot. If I were ever to create more self portraits in the future, I would like to find different angles for how I would pose in the pictures. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Light Writing











Reading Photos

A. Location: Tongi train station of Bangladesh
B. Photographer: David Nam Lip Lee
C. Original Caption: The youngster are having fun at the roof top of the train. There are too many people who rushing home after the Bishwa Ijtema at Tongi train station of Bangladesh.
D. Site Link:
E. Question Response #1: The most important part of this photograph is all of the smiles on these people's faces because they are all happy and enjoying what is happening around them.
F. Question Response #2: The closest part to the lens of the camera is the boy who is sticking his head out the window looking back.
G. Question Response #3: A great part of this photograph is the feeling of community because they are all together witnessing this and they are helping the man across the gap.

A. Location: Cây Bàng Một, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
B. Photographer: King Fung Wong
C. Original Caption: This is taken from the 12th floor of a hostel. Me and my friends were amazed how beautiful the night view is, let alone the vibrant side of Ho Chi Minh City in the morning.
D. Site Link:
E. Question Response #1: The colors are rich and vibrant throughout the photograph and mainly the colors green, blue, and yellow are used. 
F. Question Response #2: The most interestin part of this is that within each of these homes there is a different life and a different situation going on.
G. Question Response #3: Something great in this photograph is the complication of each littl structure as well as the simplicity of the city on its own. 

A. Location: Chicago, Illinois
B. Photographer: John J. Kim
C. Original Caption: Contemporary Issues, third prize winner, singles. Lamon Reccord stares down a police sergeant during a protest following the fatal shooting of Laquan McDonald by police in Chicago, Illinois, on November 25, 2015.
D. Site Link:
E. Question Response #1: The most important part of this picture is the intenseness of the stare shared between Lamon Reccord and the officer and the emotions showed through it. 
F. Question Response #2: If I were in this photograph, I feel it would be a very intense and serious situation.
G. Question Response #3: What interests me most in this picture is the upward angle that gives the photo a little extra character rather than if the photo angle was straight on. 

Final Portfolio